In this article we want to tell you about the effects that studying custom music has on our brain. We will try to do it without going into too much depth in too scientific concepts.
It was in the 20th century when the first studies on the physiological effects of music began. They observed its responses on circulation, heart rate and breathing rate.
The results indicated that certain patterns induced states of relaxation, modifying body constants and achieving relief from certain pains. It already follows that studying music can be the beginning of a better quality of life.
However, the great leap forward took place from the 1980s onwards. With the appearance of the techniques of neuro-imaging, the scientific bases of facts that until then were inexplicable have been established. Even considered as magical.
Among them, the influence of music on physical and mental health. Studying music and/or learning to play an instrument is very healthy.
The brain of musicians and their brain plasticity.
The simple listening of custom music generates multiple sensations and is the result of the interaction of musical attributes (rhythm, harmony, melody, volume, tempo, etc…) and our experiences (training, tastes, cultural environment). In addition to genetic conditions. This is why the concept of «music» is so personal.
The brain of musicians is an example of brain plasticity. If we analyze all the actions that are executed during the musical performance we will possibly be amazed. Reading of the musical score, translation and interpretation of the musical code, translation into motor movements, planning of future performance, etc.
And all of this is accompanied by a great deal of attention, concentration and, at the same time, emotion. Studying music imposes us to do all these actions, with what it entails.
There is no doubt that learning music is a powerful training that translates into anatomical and functional changes. For this reason, neuroscientists consider musicians’ brains as an example of plasticity, since it is assumed that there is no other art that demands as many cognitive resources as music (Altenmüller, 2008).
Protection against neurodegenerative diseases
In recent years some research has been published that relates professional musical practice (with a minimum of 10 years) to protection against neurodegenerative diseases (Balbag, M.A., Pedersen, N.L., and Gatz, M. , 2014). In other words, studying custom music can help prevent these diseases.
The increase in volume or thickness of both gray and white matter that originates musical learning will be somewhat in favor of cellular neurodegeneration. When the time comes, its speed will be slower. Therefore there are researchers who consider musical learning as a protection against the feared neuronal degeneration in advanced ages.
Studying music is cool, and very much so! Music influences our physiology (pulse, breathing), our emotions and moods, our cognition, and other essential dimensions for the human being, such as the social one. It can even affect our genetics, according to recent research.
This study, published last year, shows how the simple listening to music of a classical work modifies favorably the genetic expression. Although it occurs only in people with musical skills or training.
An interesting study that confirms the beneficial consequences, at the genetic level, that can contribute to the study of custom music in cognitive functions and quality of life.